Handmade Tibetan Buddhua Eye Dorje Pendant

$148.75 $85.00
Handmade Tibetan Buddhua Eye Dorje Pendant.
This buddha eye pendant is made from sterling silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise and red coral.
The size of the pendant is 3.2*3.2cm, weight: 28g. Turquoise is one of the world's earliest-used gem materials.
Ranked with the jades of the Orient and lapis in the Near East, turquoise has been revered for thousands of years.
In the Southwestern United States, no gemstone has been held in greater esteem.
Diggings at Chaco Canyon and other ancient sites have revealed tens of thousands of pieces of turquoise in various stages of lapidary treatment.
Where ancient leaders were buried, the amount of turquoise present in the grave sites indicates that it was a stone of significance long ago.
Hardly a deposit of turquoise was left undiscovered by the ancient ones.
Today, the gem material's popularity reaches from the Southwestern United States across the entire world.
Coral is known to be used as a gem since prehistoric times.
Has a history of religious meaning and is one of the seven treasures in Buddhist scriptures.
Coral was long thought to be a strong talisman against bleeding, evil spirits, and hurricanes.
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